Update Potpourri

I'm back from my - ahem - rather extended blog break whilst wrapping up school. What did I do with all that time away, you ask?

I completed my MBA, which felt a little something like this:

I read a couple of lovely books by amazing fellow authors:

Fraction of Stone - Amazon
Poison by Bridget Zinn

And I got very excited about this movie trailer:

In more sobering news, some of you will remember my former Very Awesome Roommate from past posts. Well, she is now living in Oklahoma, just south of Moore where last week's tornado hit. Luckily, she is okay. But she knows families who lost their homes, and it continues to be a mess down there, so please keep that entire area in your thoughts and prayers.

Also, sometime toward the end of the A-Z Challenge, the blog passed 200 followers (Y'all rock, seriously!), AND it had its second birthday. Celebrations are in order! I'm thinking up some fun ones for June. Stay tuned.

So, what have you guys been up to lately?

Blog Break

First off - Congrats to all my fellow A to Z'ers! Life kept me from getting around to as many blogs as I would've liked, but all those I did see were fantastic and entertaining. A great variety of themes this year.

Whew, now that A to Z is done, I'm taking a vacay.

Well, not exactly. It's final exam season in MBA-ville, so I'll be studying and prepping. But when I see you again, I'll be steps away from GRADUATION!

In the meantime, enjoy this hilarious commentary on the power of paper.

Back in a week or two.