The Story of Life

I don't know about you, but this summer has certainly seemed to show all sides of life. The good and the bad. The happy, the sad. And everything in between.

When we write, we like to think we have techniques and tricks that help us convey all this through our characters. But sometimes, we need to simply step back and marvel at the intricate, delicate world in which we all live. It can be poignant and perspective-shattering (Or perspective-renewing), sometimes all at once!

This video says it better than I can. It originated in healthcare, but I think it applies to so many other things too. So, let's raise a glass to life and all its facets, and remember the others around us.

**Fair warning...Kleenexes may not be amiss for this one. It is some pretty touching stuff.**


© Johanna Goodyear | Dreamstime Stock Photos

No, not the bunny with the battery. It’s getting to be the end of summer and, if you’re anything like me, you’re simultaneously pooped from three months of fun events and feel completely behind going into the Fall. Eeep!

Stress and distractions can make it really difficult to get into a writing groove, and I’ve learned that I tend to be at my crabbiest when I’ve gone too long without writing.

So, what are we to do when we’re feeling frazzled?

I came across this cool concept in one of the articles I read for my MBA, and it applies perfectly to a writer’s life and level of busyness. Basically, it says instead of managing our time, we should focus on managing our energy level because that’s what truly drives us. If we’re doing something we love, the time crunch matters less than if it’s for something where we’re dragging our feet. I think this is true! I’m constantly amazed how re-energized I feel, even amid all kinds of other chaos, if I can just get in even a half hour of good writing time.

Here’s a quick quiz to gauge where you are. My advice? If you’re short in the body or mind category, take a break, catch your breath…the writing world will still be there when you come back. If you’re low on energy or spirit, on the other hand, maybe what you need is a way to clear items off your plate that allow you to focus more on doing what you love.

From Harvard Business Review

Scarlet Review: No, NOT the Cinder/Red Riding Hood Scarlet

I first saw this book at Marie Landry's blog as part of a read-along and immediately knew I MUST get my hands on it. Why did I love it so, you might ask? Let me count the ways:

Get it here!

  • First of all, the cover. Can I even explain how perfect it is? Do you see it there? It is gorgeous! Right down to the details of her eyes and her scar.
  • Secondly, I'm a sucker for all things Robin Hood, and my cousin and I have had an ongoing inside joke about Will Scarlet for years. I think I'd had the book all of five minutes before texting her a pic of the cover: How awesome is this? Will Scarlet is a girl! And she looks badass! It's next on my list to read.
  • I'm a huge fan of plucky female characters who can handle themselves with weapons. Enter, Scarlet! A.C Gaughen writes her beautifully. Tough, tender, scrappy and stalwart. She's such a fun character to hang out with, and I loved watching her get into (and out of) trouble.
  • I'm a character author through-and-through, and characters are the biggest reason I fall in love with books. Every single character here shines. From Rob to John to Tuck to Gisbourne, Gaughen keeps them fresh and real while staying true to the time period and giving a nod to tradition. You can tell she truly loves the Robin Hood legends. This isn't written from a new perspective simply for a twist; everything fits into place and still honors the overall narrative. I cannot tell you how much I love and admire that decision on her part as an author.
  • Scar's dialogue. Think Huck Finn meets gritty streets of London. I fell in love with it from page 1, and it added immensely to Scar's character. Such a delight! It made me laugh (and almost cry) multiple times. It never felt heavy-handed, and when it does change, it does so with purpose. Honestly, everyone's dialogue is pretty stellar throughout.
  • Gaughen's attention to detail. This book is the rare combination of a wonderful, heartfelt retelling and an author who has mastered her craft to make it sing. There are so many great subtle lines or plot points, and scenes that are so poignant about life's truths without stalling the action. That takes skill, and it was a sheer joy to read. 
A.C. Gaughen is a writer I immediately and deeply respect. She does so many things right in this book. She gives us fantastic, vibrant characters and a frankly awesome plot, and does so in a way that leaves a lasting impression and leaves us a little better for having read it. I am counting down the days until the sequel releases next February.
Are you?


I don’t remember much about the movie Center Stage. I think I saw it once in college, but one scene has stuck with me.

One of the would-be ballet stars is frustrated in her studies and returns to the studio late at night only to find her teacher already there, practicing gracefully in the semi-darkness.

The teacher pats her hand along the dance bar and says, “No matter what happens, how bad it gets, how many distractions fight for your attention, always return here. It all starts here.”

I feel that way about good books or, really, a good story in general. It can be a book, a movie, a real-life tale. Something about the idea of great characters and stories that lift us up calls to me. For me, that’s where it all starts, and when I need a renewal, that’s where I always come back to. It gives me strength and happiness.

How about you? Where’s your place of renewal?