Coloring the Page: Brown

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We’re tackling brown synonyms today as part of the ongoing “Color Kaleidoscope” series. For the full story behind why I love using this tool, see my original post. Also, check out the previous entries for “Red,” “Blue,” “Green,” “Yellow,” and “Black” here.

Aeneous or Aeneus: A brassy or golden green shade of brown
Almond: Pale tan to light brown
Auburn: Moderate reddish brown
Aureate: A golden shade of brown
Beige: Light grayish brown or yellowish brown
Brass: Between brown and gold, often polished and shiny
Bronze: Yellowish olive brown
Brunette: Dark brown
Chestnut: A moderate to deep reddish brown
Chocolate or Coco: Rich brown, varying shades from light brown to very dark
Coffee: Darker shades of brown to deep brown
Dun: Neutral brownish gray to dull grayish brown
Ginger: Strong reddish brown
Hazel: A light to strong brown or yellowish brown, sometimes with flecks of other colors like green
Honey: Yellowish brown gold
Leathery Brown: Light to dark brown
Khaki: Ranging from light olive brown to grayish brown
Mole: Light brown to dark gray
Mud: Dark, dirty brown; can be lighted as it dries
Mahogany: Moderate reddish brown; often sleek
Sandy: Light grayish to yellowish brown
Sienna: Brownish yellow to brownish orange
Tan: Very light brown
Taupe: Brownish gray to dark yellowish brown
Toast: Light brown
Umber: Natural Earth brown


  1. Wow, who would have thought that there are so many? Interesting!

  2. OOH! This is a fun idea! Love it. And brown(s) are one of my favorite colors!

  3. These color posts are so helpful. I need to keep these at my disposal. Hope you're having a great weekend! :)

  4. I'm bookmarking this - such a valuable resource! Thanks for putting this together. :)
