Gearing Up for A to Z

This year, I'm taking the plunge into the crazy fun of the A to Z blogging challenge. It starts in April, and the challenge is to blog every day (except Sundays) according to the letters of the alphabet.

I used my bookshelf as inspiration for the posts, so you'll be getting a glimpse of some of my favorite reads - what I loved and what I learned from them.

Hope you'll join me for the wild ride!


  1. Ohh! I like your idea!! I'm very excited to see what's on your bookshelf, since I see many of my favorite books in your picture! lol. I'm going to try and gear my toward my books, we'll see how this goes!

  2. Hey,

    Interesting idea.... wonder what the Q and X books will be :)

    GOOD Luck :)

  3. Awesome! There's so many entrants, it's going to be tough keeping track of everyone. I have a good idea for your X book! :)

  4. Hi Nicole - I'm just dropping by to welcome you to the A to Z Challenge. I'm looking forward to what you have in store for us.

    Cheers, Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

  5. What a great idea! That is soo clever. I am going to have to try this.
